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Gold dredging operation on North Fork of FortyMile river in Alaska
Included is an 8 inch Dahlke dredge.
It is set up to find the smaller gold which is common in this area.
There is 4 lb expanded metal in the 9 foot box and the engine is a 23HP briggs engine with electric start. The engine has about 250 hours on it.
It comes with a water heater and a 263 air compressor.
At 2850 rpm it uses about 1.2 gallons per hour.
There is a small pump that can be used to prime the intake hose/pump.
The dredge has a monitor (high presure hose used by diver to blast apart the river bottom)
A spare pontoon is included
The only problems I know of are that there is no reserve tank however, if you're not using the 6 inch dredge you can use the tank from that dredge.
Also there is one pontoon that is in need of repair but, included with the dredge is a plastic welding kit for fixing this sort of thing.
Below are some pictures of the dredge in action in 2021 and 2022
I have used this dredge for only two seasons due to my inability to lift the engine into place (Old Age)
Running on the north fork of 40 mile in 2022 |