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Gold dredging operation on North Fork of FortyMile river in Alaska

All 10 claims are availible to be leased
You'll be able to work almost anywhere on any of the claims.(as long as you don't fog me out)
I will give you my opinion on what has already been done and where the best spots are but, you would be free to select your own location to dredge
If you lease these claims you'll need your own dredge, camp supplies, fuel, etc as well as transportation on the river to get to and from the claims.
You will need to follow all BLM and State regulations. (Contact me for details on this one)
Basicly you do it all and only pay me a percentage of your finds.
Because of the rich history of these claims the percentage is 20%
There "may" also be a one time only fee to get you listed on my APMA permit.
The amount of this one time APMA fee will depend on the dredge you want to use.(Contact me for details)

You can check out the location of the claims with the ADL numbers below on the Alaska Mapper web site:

Claim Names_____Claim ADL numbers
Sassy Kat I ______ADL: 662301
Jack #1 _________ADL: 718320
Dancy 1_________ADL: 730327
Dancy 2_________ADL: 730328
Dancy 3_________ADL: 801300
Dancy 4_________ADL: 801301
Dancy 5_________ADL: 801302
Dancy 6_________ADL: 801303
Dancy 7_________ADL: 801304
Dancy 8_________ADL: 801305

You can contact me at:

(Please note: Copy/paste will not work on contact info. Use pen and paper)

Below are pictures and videos of various spots on the different claims
When watching the videos use the back button to return to this page.

Click HERE to see movie showing claims Dancy3 thru Dany 6.
Movie starts at Dancy 3 and goes up river

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Click HERE to see movie showing claims Dancy7 thru Dancy 8.
Movie starts as Dancy 8 then goes down river to Dancy 7

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Click HERE to see dredging on Dancy1 in 2021 with 8 inch.

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Typical clarity of the river on the North Fork of the 40 Mile

Total from 2024 working 3-4 hrs 4-5 day per week for 5 weeks using 6 inch

Result of an 8 hour test with a 6 inch dredge in 2013